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[공지] Open Your Eyes!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 475
  • 20-08-02 08:34

Good Sunday to our Woori Youth! 

How have y’all been? I know it’s been tough for many to practice social distancing during this summer, but your perseverance is helping to flatten the pandemic curve and give scientists time to test the cure that God has inspired them with. This week, the pastor’s sermon will be about the Gospel of John 9:1-12. Please take a few minutes to read these verses and discuss them with your family. Continue to stay safe and see some of you at the Zoom meeting soon. 

Do you feel like sometimes God has not completely forgiven your sins? Sometimes, I feel this way. But according to Jesus’ teachings in

 2 Corinthians 5:19 says “Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.”

What does this mean? To me, it means that God does not hold a grudge against me for the sins that I commit if, with a sincere heart, I ask for His forgiveness and return to Him. And just like our Creator forgives us of our sins, we must in turn forgive others who do us wrong. The Lord’s prayer, the prayer taught to us by Jesus, asks that we are forgiven “our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Who are we to ask for forgiveness if we cannot do what we ask for to each other? 

Matthew 9:13says  "Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

In the Gospel of John 9:1-12, Jesus is the Light of the world. Through this Light, we have salvation and forgiveness of all our sins. The sins of our ancestors are never held against us. God has a very short memory when it comes to our sins against Him! Another reason why our God is so great! Let us try to become children of the Light of the world by not holding onto grudges and forgiving others as we expect to be forgiven of ours. And have the confidence that God will never hold a past forgiven sin against you! With God, forgiveness brings a clean slate, a new day in which we can try to become better sons and daughters of the Light. Hoping to talk and laugh with you all soon at Papa’s house!


Teacher's Letter

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