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[공지] God's DNA

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 526
  • 20-05-02 18:39


Hope you all had another great week at home continuing with school and keeping busy. Maybe in a few weeks, everything will return to normal and we will be able to worship together at the House of the Lord! Until then, have faith, hope, and pray that as with all hardships, this will pass according to God’s will. This week, the pastor’s sermon will be about: Genesis 1:27-28. Please take the time to pre-read these verses with your family and discuss what God is teaching us and how we can incorporate them into our everyday lives. Stay sharp, both in mind and spirit, as we countdown the days towards returning to what we know as normal. 

We are all made in the image and likeness of our Creator. These are very powerful words! If you really think and ponder on these words, we have been created, not just for the sake of being “caretakers” of this earth, but in the image of our God. What does this mean? We are not just God’s forgotten creation, but we all have a piece of Him within us! If you create something that is a masterpiece, such as a painting or a statue, the maker always leaves their mark somewhere on their creation. It signifies that it was made by that person. When God created us, He didn’t have to leave His mark on us, instead, He made us in His image and likeness. He didn’t leave His mark on is because we are already His! 

He instead created us in His image. He gave us a piece of Himself when he created each and every one of us uniquely. Just like every person has a unique set of DNA and fingerprints, we each have a part of God that is totally unique to us. But, although we have these differences, it all boils down to this, we have been created by our one GOD! When all is said and done, we answer to Him and Him alone. Let us not forget that this is why we are all a member of God’s family. We may look black, white, yellow, red, blue, green, or whatever color, race, or gender, we all have a piece of God within in us that unites us as His blessed creation! We are all equally created, none better than the other. When we worship, we worship with one voice, thanks and praise to our Father, Creator, and our Savior. Sometimes, we owe it our God to just say thank you! We do not always need to pray for our petitions. He already knows exactly what we need and when we need them. 

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Have a great weekend and don’t forget to enjoy worshiping our God. Never make it a chore, but worship from your heart. It’s what Jesus ever wanted from us! Stay safe another week and our prayers to worship together will soon be fulfilled by our amazing God. See you all soon at Papa’s house!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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