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[공지] The Bread of Life

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 556
  • 20-06-14 08:52


Happy Sunday to our Woori Youth!

It has been such a nice week, weather-wise, and I hope y’all have had a chance to get some sun. This week, our pastor’s sermon is from the Gospel of John 6:22-59. Please a few minutes to read these verses with your family or even better, with your friends. Friendships can be based not only on common interests but on a common GOD! The more we discuss God, the more we testify and proclaim that He is essential to our lives! Have a great week and if you’re looking for a great book to cure these summer times blues, may I suggest a book filled with adventures, battles, kings, miracles, and sacrifice? It’s THE BOOK that we all have at home. Stay safe and see you all soon! 

Speaking of the sun, why is it so important for life? To plants, through photosynthesis, use carbon dioxide and water to make food to nourish them. For us, the sun provides vitamin D which is a necessity in our bodies to regulate calcium. We have many foods that sustain our physical bodies, but as Jesus taught us, our bodies are not just flesh and bone, we each have the gift of the Holy Spirit inside of us. We can feed our physical bodies with food, but what must we eat to feed the Holy Spirit inside of us? 

John 6:41, 54 says, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day."

What? Eat Jesus’ flesh and blood?? Do we have to become vampires???

Eating the flesh and blood pf Jesus is a figurative saying. Matthew 4:4 addresses, "But HE answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."

When you read the Bible, we are receiving the most blessed, decadent,  and scrumptious food there is in feeding the Spirit within us! Best of all, it is free and you will never get a stomach ache. How we look on the outside has become so important in this materialistic world. We forget to look at the spiritual beauty that is in every one us! So feed our body, not with just healthy and nutritious food, but always add a serving, or two, or three of the food that really matters in our journey back to God. There is a saying that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, but I say, “beauty is in the eye of THE CREATOR”! So do not let yourself or others judge you from your outward appearance. God loves and provides for us because He created us in His image. Once you taste His words, you will never want anything else! See you all soon at Papa’s house.

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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