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[공지] Palm Sunday.

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 534
  • 20-04-03 15:58


Good Friday to our Woori Youth! I hope you guys are keeping busy during these “shelter in place” times. Some people have described this as a once in a generation event/experience. Maybe it will be something you can tell your grandkids about in the future.

This week, as we prepare for Easter, is Palm Sunday. Please take some time to read Matthew 21:1-11. I hope you can discuss these verses with your family in preparing for the event next week that allowed us to have eternal life with Jesus in heaven. Continue to stay safe and pray that through God’s intervention, this Coronavirus will be a distant memory to all of humanity soon. 

Matthew 21:5,

“Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’”

When a “king” enters a town, what do most of us envision? For me, it’s like that scene from the movie Aladdin. Do you remember when Aladdin asks for his first wish from Genie and makes a grand entrance into Agrabah? Or when the President visits a city. The secret service secures the route as the President makes a grand entrance throughout the streets of that city led by dozens of police cars! 

But, how does Jesus, THE KING of the Universe enter into Jerusalem? Riding on a donkey, a beast of burden. Not on a majestic horse, but on an animal known for doing the bulk of carrying heavy loads for its owner. 

And who was Jesus? What was His purpose here on earth? 

Just like the donkey, Jesus’ purpose was to carry the heavy burden of our sins into Jerusalem, where He went to offer Himself up as our ultimate, final sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. If the Creator of our universe humbled Himself like this, how much more MUST we humble ourselves towards others? 

We can learn so much from the obedience shown by Jesus to His Father. Although He was privileged, He never once called upon His privilege! Do you guys understand this saying? He was Son of God, but never abused the privileges of being the Son of God, even to His death! That’s how much He loves us! He experienced the worst punishment that His creation imposed on Him, yet He never lashed out. He became the true Redeemer of our burdens! As we prepare to enter into the week of His suffering, death, and resurrection, please remember the suffering and sacrifice that was done by Jesus so that we became “privileged” to enter into His Kingdom! Hoping and praying to see you all soon at Papa’s house!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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