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[공지] Earning the ticket into Heaven is not easy!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 479
  • 20-04-18 13:05


How are you all doing? Hope y’all had a good Easter and a great Easter worship with your family! It’s been almost a month since the “Shelter In Place” has been implemented here in Austin. Hope you are all adjusting well with the social distancing guidelines we have been instructed to follow. Hopefully within a couple or 3 weeks, everything will slowly start in returning to normal. It’ll take some time, but we definitely do not want a resurgence of COVID-19. Until then, try to stay busy, safe, upbeat, and pray for God’s Will to triumph as it always does! 

This week, the pastor’s sermon will be about the Gospel of John 5:19-29. These verses talk not only about reiterating that Father(God) and Son(Jesus) are one, but that in the resurrection, those who have done good will rise to live while those who have done evil will be judged. In other words, just because you profess faith in Jesus as your God and Savior, you are not guaranteed resurrection into everlasting life. But that’s different from what other Christians believe! If we just believe in Jesus, aren’t we all saved?? My answer is a profound NO! 

We will be saved just by believing is the “lazy man’s” faith. What if someone who is a Christian, a faithful believer in Jesus, is a businessman that earns money through the misfortune of others? Or a believer that makes money by exploiting the talents of others? Another example, that I see so much of today, is a Christian leader that sells Jesus for a profit.

How we live our “Christian” life from birth to death will be used against us according to verse 27, 

“And he has given him authority to execute judgment because he is the Son of Man.” 

When you stand before the Son of Man, will you be judged for living a Christian life, when you wanted to, or will you be judged by living THE CHRISTIAN life even when you didn’t want to? 

Luke 6:32-38:

If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Highest, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Earning the ticket into Heaven is not easy! Just saying you believe in Jesus being the Son of God, that He suffered, died and was resurrected, and is seated at the right hand of God...is not enough! When you all wake up every morning, I hope that you ask Jesus to strengthen you each and every day in living the true Christian life the way that He had instructed us to live; through works of faith! Try to live the life so that you can stand with confidence when you are judged by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s not easy, it takes a lifetime of commitment! I am challenged every day to live my Christian life! Stay safe another week and continue to trust and pray that God’s Will, will be done for us in overcoming this pandemic. Hoping to see you soon!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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