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[공지] Follow Me!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 549
  • 20-02-07 21:54


Happy Friday to our Woori Youth! I hope you all had another great week walking, talking, and accomplishing God’s will. This week, we continue with the Gospel of John 1: 35-51. These verses talk about who the disciples first think Jesus is when they meet Him and when He asks them to “follow” Him. Who do you seem to follow these days? Do you “follow” people on social media? Do you “like” everything they say and do?? But, who MUST you follow? Who're words MUST we like?? Have a great weekend and see you all on Sunday.

Back in the 1980s, there was NO INTERNET, GOOGLE, YOUTUBE! If you wanted to research information, you had to go to the library and look it up in an actual book or magazine. In today’s world, all the information is literally at your fingertips on your computer or cell phone. So much social media and so many people to “follow”! One question comes to mind. Why do we “follow” someone on social media? Are we so bored with our life that we want to know what someone else is doing all the time? Are we interested that someone bought a Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks and we “like” it? To me,  people who post the most insignificant details of their everyday lives are truly the most lonely, and want acceptance from anyone! Social media also seems to be dividing this country more and more with people’s posts concerning their political and social views. They truly are sheep without a shepherd. I urge you, future Christian leaders of tomorrow, to not become a follower of the wrong shepherd! I hope and pray that you all choose the right shepherd. The Shepherd that we know by name and teachings. The Shepherd who is the Beginning and the End. If you “follow” Him, you will NEVER be lonely, need acceptance from anyone, define yourself with how many friends and followers you have on social media, never worry about the “likes” and “dislikes” about your post, and how many views your post has had.

We all seem to follow something or someone to fill an empty void in our hearts. How and what we choose to fill that void with defines us as being worthy to be called children of God! So, fill that void with Jesus’ teachings, fill that void with His grace, fill that void with His love, fill that void with the Holy Spirit! It doesn’t cost you anything and you receive everything. If there is anyone you should be “following” and “liking”, it is Jesus, the King of my social media! See you guys at Papa’s house!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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