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[공지] For the selected but is universal!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 566
  • 20-03-07 10:04


Happy Saturday to our Woori Youth!

Hope you all are having a great weekend and enjoying a couple of days off. This week we will focus on John chapter 4. Please take 5 minutes to read the chapter to better understand that eternal life through Jesus is not just for the selected but is universal, for all who believe! Have a safe weekend and thank you Jenna for taking over the past week and tomorrow. See you all next week. 

Well guys, since February 26, we are in the season of lent. Not all Christians observe lent, but it’s not the season of lent that matters, but the purpose of it. The purpose of Lent is that throughout the @40 days before Easter, we, as believers of Jesus, offer prayers, penance, and most people give up something that they really like to do. Give up something I like to do? Do we have to? Why do I have to? 

Giving up something is also called a sacrifice. Jesus “gave up” His life for EVERYONE! Remember when we talked about sacrificing 5 minutes during the week to pre-read the Bible verses for Sunday school? Think about it, Jesus sacrificed His life on earth so that we can live in heaven. He suffered unimaginable horrors that man can impart on another to save you and me from eternal death! God doesn’t ask anything from us except that we love Him and love each other. How do we show our love for Him and each other? True “agape” love asks for nothing in return. It is love that is given freely, through sacrifice, and without repayment. 

During this lenten season, I hope that you can offer a sacrifice back to God for all the good He has done and will do for each one of us. Can you give up video games until Easter? Can you give up cursing? Can you give up chocolates? Can you give up drinking soda? What can you discipline yourself to give up as an offering to God for giving us eternal life? What can you for others to thank God for saving us? Remember that Jesus died not just for some, but for ALL! We must have the same unprejudiced, unconditional love that He had for us all. Only then can we call ourselves C H R I S T I A N. In God’s eyes, no one is better than another. We are all His beloved children. See you all at Papa’s house!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

NO 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
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43 [공지] Happy New Yea 웹섬김… 01-10 430
42 [공지] Merry Christmas! 웹섬김… 12-19 490
41 [공지] A True Test of Love and Sacrifice 웹섬김… 11-01 486
40 [공지] Give Earnestly, Lovingly, and Most of All THANKFULLY! 웹섬김… 09-26 472
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32 [공지] The Bread of Life 웹섬김… 06-14 557
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25 [공지] Easter Sunday! 웹섬김… 04-11 548
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21 [공지] CORONAVIRUS! 웹섬김… 03-13 481
20 [공지] For the selected but is universal! 웹섬김… 03-07 567
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15 [공지] Who Is Jesus? 웹섬김… 01-26 526