[공지] Good Friday!
- 작성자 : 웹섬김…
- 조회 : 537
- 21-04-02 09:35
Good Friday to our Woori Youth!
Hope you all had a great week and are enjoying the off day. It is Good Friday today. Have you wondered why it’s called Good Friday? Maybe Sorrowful or Suffering Friday might be the better way to describe what happened about 2021 years ago. Jesus was offered up as the sacrificial lamb without blemish. His blood shed for us like the blood on the doorposts before God passed His final judgment on the Egyptians on the night of Passover. Not to mention what the Roman soldiers did to Jesus before He was crucified. This was a display of how man has become so depraved and evil ever since being thrown out of Eden.
But as the Old Testament promised and prophesied, this final Passover sacrifice by Jesus was necessary to save us from the eternal death that was inevitable. This was the only way that we can become free of sin to gain admittance into Eden again. As you have heard, the “precious blood of Jesus” is the only thing that will wash our clothes brighter than anything in the world. Maybe that is why this day is called “Good Friday.” For there is the only One who is Good. There is only One who loved us enough to offer us eternity for free. There is only One who endured the suffering, humiliation, and death on the cross. There is only One that was raised from the dead to sit at the right hand of Good. And there is the only One who will come with the clouds in heaven to establish a new Eden here on Earth.
When I was young, Easter was about decorating eggs, eating Cadbury chocolates, and marshmallow Peeps. As I got older, I return to the true meaning of what Easter really is. It’s not about finding hidden eggs laid by some bunny. It’s not about the big sale at the mall. It’s about celebrating, rejoicing, praising, glorifying, thanking, and most important, acknowledging that Jesus, who was God born man, lived just like you and me, died on the cross but was resurrected to conquer death’s eternal grip over us. If we acknowledge and believe in Him, we too will be able to conquer death and live eternally with Him, who has given up so much and has asked us for so little! Glory and praise to our Renown!
Have a great weekend!
David Kim