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[공지] Who Is Jesus!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 318
  • 20-01-12 15:23


Good Friday to our Woori Youth! Congrats on making it through the first week of school in the new year!

Hope y’all have the optimism and the drive to do your best in all things this year. This week, we will discuss The Gospel of John 1:1-5. To me, these are such important verses because John is writing about who Jesus is! 

Who is Jesus to you? Why is He so important to our faith as Christians? 

Why does our core faith rely on Jesus so much?? Hope you all have a great weekend of rest and thinking about your plans for the upcoming year. See you guys on Sunday. 

Something I want you all to think about...

Luke 5:8

“When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” This was after Jesus asked Peter to cast his net on the right side after spending all night without catching any fish. This passage makes me think of 3 things: 

1. Jesus doesn’t always call on righteous people to do His will on earth

2. Jesus ALWAYS wants to be with us, we CHOOSE to push Him away! 

3. Peter’s acknowledgment that he is a sinner. He is not perfect!

When we push Jesus away from our side, we believe that we can do everything by our own will. But, we can never accomplish what God can do for us without His help/blessing. Some people think “luck” is a factor in their good fortunes. As Christians, we MUST STOP believing in “luck”! To me, there is no such thing as being 

“lucky”! When you use the word “luck”, we are denying God! Luck should be thought of as a BLESSING from God! The moment we acknowledge luck as a blessing from God, it is the beginning of acknowledging that God is the Creator, giver, and administrator of everything we need. God is in control, never me! I hope and pray that throughout this year, when good things happen to you, never use the words, “I was lucky”! I challenge you all to use the phrase, “God has blessed me!” instead. It will take some time, but with anything else that we do, practice will make it into a habit! 

See you guys at Papa’s house!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

NO 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
14 [공지] Behold, I send my messenger 웹섬김… 01-18 353
13 [공지] Who Is Jesus! 웹섬김… 01-12 319
12 [공지] Happy New Year! 웹섬김… 01-06 249
11 [공지] Pray, First and Foremost! 웹섬김… 12-29 319
10 [공지] Self control! 웹섬김… 12-14 326
9 [공지] Faith, faithful, faithfulness... 웹섬김… 12-01 355
8 [공지] Happy Thanksgiving! 웹섬김… 11-29 286
7 [공지] Thanksgiving 웹섬김… 11-23 345
6 [공지] God is Good! 웹섬김… 11-16 331
5 [공지] MERCY=FORGIVENESS 웹섬김… 11-11 410
4 [공지] PATIENCE=IN PEACE! 웹섬김… 11-01 329
3 [공지] What Does “Peace” Mean to You? 웹섬김… 10-27 430
2 [공지] Be Proud to Be a Christian! 웹섬김… 10-22 318
1 [공지] Seek First the Kingdom of God! 웹섬김… 10-19 282