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[공지] Happy New Year!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 249
  • 20-01-06 04:53


Happy New Year to our Woori Church Youth! I hope the new year is going well! Just like the Israelites were able to “roll” away all their old evil habits at Gilgal, before entering into the Promised Land that God had promised them, the start of the new year is our chance to roll or throw away all our bad habits that have increased our distance from God and start with a clean slate. Ask God to forgive you for all the sins this past year and CHOOSE to have Jesus next to you as we start 2020. Let us all try to not push Him away through our sinning against Him and His creation. 

This year, our church’s focus is throwing the “lifeline”. 

John 20:30-31

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this, but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name

Proverbs 24:11

Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. Based on these quotes from the “Book of Life,” what does throwing a lifeline mean to you? Why must we throw a lifeline to others? I hope that you guys enjoy the last weekend before school starts and I pray that this year, all of our relationships, with each other AND with God, are more firmly established and we become a strong family with Jesus as our unbreakable foundation.  

Couple of quotes that I heard from Pastor Tony Evans: “God wants you to work down “here”, but wants you to “live” up there!

And something that I never realized but that I also heard on the radio:

There should be no pictures of Jesus: God does not want us to worship an image! 

To me, these are some powerful teachings. We have “work” to do for God during our life here on earth. Also, for me, coming from a stout Catholic background, we had all sorts of pictures and statues in our home growing up that we would pray to. Funny thing is, they were not all pictures or statues of God! 

Have a great weekend and see you all at Papa’s house on Sunday!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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