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[공지] Pray, First and Foremost!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 319
  • 19-12-29 00:12


Good Saturday to our Woori Youth! Hope that everyone’s Christmas was a blessed day in celebrating the birth of our Promise to salvation. This week we wrap up the year with a focus that we have been discussing this past year: PRAYER! Y’all remember?? 

Pray, first and foremost!                                                                                               

Pray, with God’s words!                                                                                                 

Pray, with real meaning and purpose!

I can’t believe this is the last Sunday of 2019! As you think about the past year, think about the prayers that you have offered to God and think about the prayers that He has answered for you. Please remember, God’s answer to your prayers isn’t always a “Yes”, sometimes, His answer can be a “No”.  Our omniscient(all knowing) God knows what we need and when we need it! We MUST be on His time, not our impatient, must have it right now time. When we let go, LET IT GO! can we truly give our lives to Jesus and let Him lead us. Which brings us to one of the points that I want you all to never forget; letting go and giving our lives to Jesus must be your choice! Jesus is always at your heart’s front door, is always ready to give you a ride to your next destination, is always ready to listen to your worries and troubles, is always ready to forgive you when you sin, is always ready to give you what’s best for you, whether you know it is or not, is always ready to love you no matter what, is always ready to carry you when times are tough, is always ready to share in your joy, your happiness, is always  a “book” cover away from filling you with His words of everlasting life! 

Matthew 6:31-33:

“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

It has been a privilege and a blessing to have spent time with you guys this past year. In 2020, I hope and pray that TOGETHER, we can begin another journey into learning, knowing and deepening ‭‭our relationship with the One who has paid such a high price to purchase a sinner like me. Let us continue to grow in faith, so that we can proudly call ourselves, “CHRIST”IANS. 

See you, brothers and sisters, in Jesus Christ on Sunday!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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