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[공지] Happy Thanksgiving!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 286
  • 19-11-29 05:50


Happy Friday to our Woori Youth! Congrats on making through another week. Thanksgiving is next week! Which reminds us…. What are we most thankful for? Who are we most thankful to? What does being thankful mean to us? Have a great start to a week off of school, for some of you, and a great weekend giving thanks to the One that makes it all possible! See you all on Sunday. 

Thanksgiving....what comes to mind during this holiday? Turkey, ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie? You guys know the story of Thanksgiving? The Pilgrims, who were persecuted for their religious belief, sailed on the Mayflower and came to a new world so they could worship freely. When they finally settled down and with the help of some Native Americans, they had a feast of thanksgiving. A feast of Thanksgiving! I believe they had many, many things to be thankful for. And they knew who to give thanks to. I’m sure they gave thanks to God for their safe journey, for meeting peaceful Native Americans, and gave thanks for the bounty that they had to eat. 

Nowadays, we seem to forget to say thanks. We take everything we receive for granted.. We must remember where everything we have comes from! Who gives us everything we ever need! We must remember to gives thanks and a shout out to God, our Father, Creator, Savior, and Provider. Just like we forget how good our life is until we lose everything we have, we take for granted everything we have until we lose it as well. Our pastor told us in a sermon that when we are truly at the bottom, do we finally look up to Jesus! When we are towards the top, we forget about who is above all of us and sits and reigns at the top! During this Thanksgiving, and onto the Christmas season, please remember to give thanks to God for giving us all that we have and take for granted. We are God’s greatest, perfect, and most loved creation in this world and we are the only reason why Jesus was born to suffer and die!

Psalms 118 sys, "Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!"
We might change, we might forget God, we might even deny Jesus, like Peter did. But God will never deny us or forget us. He will ALWAYS LOVE US! For this, it is right for us to give Him GLORY and THANKS! See you guys at Papa’s house on Sunday.

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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