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[공지] God is Good!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 331
  • 19-11-16 00:08


Happy Friday to our Woori Youth Group. It seems like we skipped autumn and went straight into winter! Hope y’all had another great week recharging the Holy Spirit within all of us with God’s mercy and goodness! Speaking of, goodness, another fruit of the Holy Spirit, will be our focus this week. What does “goodness” mean to you? Why is God considered good all the time? Stay warm and have a restful weekend. See you guys at Papa’s house on Sunday. 

God is good, all the time! All the time, God IS GOOD! Don’t know about you guys, but I have heard this phrase so, so many times in my life. Trying to be a “good” person, or having “goodness” in you is oftentimes harder than it is said! But, where does goodness come from? Why is it so important for us to be good? Goodness, like everything else in our lives, is given by God. You guessed it, it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.Why should “goodness” be important in our lives? It is because God is good! God, our Father and Creator, is unending goodness defined!

Psalm 34:8 says, "Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!"
Psalm 23:6 speaks, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever."
Mark 10:18 addresses, "And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone."
1 Timothy 4:4 shows, "For everything created by God is good."

Jesus told a parable about how a fruit tree can be judged. If it is a good tree, it will produce good fruits. But, if it is a bad tree, it will produce bad fruits! He also tells us that no good tree can produce bad fruits, and no bad tree can produce good fruits. Hence the tree will be recognized by its fruit.

We are the tree! We have received the Holy Spirit and how we grow and bear the fruits that God has given us is totally up to us. When we look back on our lives, will be know as the tree that bore good, spiritual sustaining fruits? Or will we be known as the tree that produced bad, poisoning fruits?
I pray that you all will become the most delicious fruit bearing trees that God has ever created! But remember, every tree needs a good foundation, good roots, good water and air. Who else but God can provide us with these. His words have everlasting life and provide food that help us grow strong roots and bear good fruits. We must try to have goodness towards others because Jesus IS goodness! Our spiritual goal in life is to try to become like Him. May your goodness provide testimony to others that you are a child of God and may your goodness overcome all evils that will come your way. God IS good, all the time. All the time, GOD IS GOOD!

See you, delicious, healthy fruit bearing trees on Sunday!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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