말보다 말씀! 빚보다 빛!

성경 전체를 배우고 사는 교회


  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 329
  • 19-11-01 22:42


Howdy to our Woori Youth Group! October is ova! Hello November! This year seems to have really flown by. Hope you all had a great week of enjoying AND sharing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This week, we will discuss another gift we receive from the Holy Spirit, PATIENCE. Wait for it.... Please take a moment to read, Galations 5:22 & Corinthians 13:4.

Also, think about when you were least patient? Not as a customer at a hospital... What can we do to try to be more patient? Have a great weekend and see you guys at Papa’s house on Sunday!

Patience, PaTiEnCe, PATIENCE! If you scramble the word and leave out the “t”, you have IN PEACE. I’ll be honest with you guys, I was never and still am , not a big fan of patience! It’s one of the gifts I wonder if I ever received! But then again, what causes my impatience? I always lose my patience when I start to have expectations from someone. I lose my patience when I feel a sense of entitlement. Paul writes in Corinthians 13, love is patient and kind, not envious or arrogant. Also, among faith, hope, and love, the greatest among these is love. I truly believe love for one another will help us to grow the gift of patience in our everyday lives. When we really love one another, when we truly love our God, only then can we have patience towards one another and have patience in awaiting God’s will for us. We must try to do unto each other as we would want them to do unto us. Patience is a 2 way road. We must give and we will receive in return. When we want to accomplish our will, we become impatient and are prone to making hasty mistakes. If we just wait for God’s will for us to be accomplished, nothing but goodness can result! We are all equals, no one is above, better, smarter, or entitled!

I hope and pray that as you guys travel through the bumpy road of life, always try to treat each other with love. When we love one another, we treat each other with respect, honor, and with patience! We always forget the 2 greatest commandments that Jesus taught us. You guys should know these.
Have a great Saturday, stay warm, read the Word of Life, and see y’all Sunday!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

NO 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
14 [공지] Behold, I send my messenger 웹섬김… 01-18 353
13 [공지] Who Is Jesus! 웹섬김… 01-12 319
12 [공지] Happy New Year! 웹섬김… 01-06 250
11 [공지] Pray, First and Foremost! 웹섬김… 12-29 320
10 [공지] Self control! 웹섬김… 12-14 327
9 [공지] Faith, faithful, faithfulness... 웹섬김… 12-01 356
8 [공지] Happy Thanksgiving! 웹섬김… 11-29 287
7 [공지] Thanksgiving 웹섬김… 11-23 346
6 [공지] God is Good! 웹섬김… 11-16 331
5 [공지] MERCY=FORGIVENESS 웹섬김… 11-11 411
4 [공지] PATIENCE=IN PEACE! 웹섬김… 11-01 330
3 [공지] What Does “Peace” Mean to You? 웹섬김… 10-27 431
2 [공지] Be Proud to Be a Christian! 웹섬김… 10-22 319
1 [공지] Seek First the Kingdom of God! 웹섬김… 10-19 283