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[공지] Seek First the Kingdom of God!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 282
  • 19-10-19 05:39


Happy Friday to our Woori Church Youth! It’s starting to feel like fall. No Sabbath day class this week in lieu of our church’s 4 year anniversary this Sunday. Something I heard on the radio this week. It’s from James 1:13; Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.

This passage brings up the question of temptation vs. test. What is temptation? To me, temptation is strictly the work of Satan. It is his only way of gaining domination over each of us.
What is a test? Test or testing is not always from God, but it is a tool God uses to, perhaps, teach us, enlighten us, or help in making is grow stronger, both in our faith and understanding of His will for us in our lives. As a parent loves their child, and sometimes gives them hardship to teach a lesson in life, I believe that God also uses the same method to teach us. Why? Because He loves us dearly, as our parents do! We are not inconsequential creations, a mistake, that God has made. We are His perfect creation! Every one of us! If He didn’t care, why would He go through the suffering, the shame, the humiliation of dying on the cross, a tree, something that He created that man has used for punishing each other? He truly loves and cares for us to the point that He gave up His life so that we can be saved! But as in all aspects of life, how we overcome testing and temptation depends ultimately on us. We have the free will to resist temptation and we have the choice to make ourselves better through the tests that we endure. We can look at the test and surrender to it, or we can ask God for His help in overcoming it which will make our relationship with Him that much better. There is a saying that, “No man is an island.” We all have an emptiness that we try to fill with friends, materialistic objects, drugs, etc. But just like a Beatles song, “All we need is love.” But in this case,  ALL WE NEED IS GOD! Let Jesus fill that emptiness inside you and we will never want or need anything else.

Matthew 6:33;But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Seek God first and He will give you everything that you will ever need or want. Have a great weekend and see you, future Christian soldiers of Jesus, next week. Have a blessed week, never fearing, because Jesus is always by your side.

Teacher's Letter

NO 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
14 [공지] Behold, I send my messenger 웹섬김… 01-18 353
13 [공지] Who Is Jesus! 웹섬김… 01-12 319
12 [공지] Happy New Year! 웹섬김… 01-06 249
11 [공지] Pray, First and Foremost! 웹섬김… 12-29 320
10 [공지] Self control! 웹섬김… 12-14 327
9 [공지] Faith, faithful, faithfulness... 웹섬김… 12-01 356
8 [공지] Happy Thanksgiving! 웹섬김… 11-29 286
7 [공지] Thanksgiving 웹섬김… 11-23 346
6 [공지] God is Good! 웹섬김… 11-16 331
5 [공지] MERCY=FORGIVENESS 웹섬김… 11-11 410
4 [공지] PATIENCE=IN PEACE! 웹섬김… 11-01 329
3 [공지] What Does “Peace” Mean to You? 웹섬김… 10-27 430
2 [공지] Be Proud to Be a Christian! 웹섬김… 10-22 318
1 [공지] Seek First the Kingdom of God! 웹섬김… 10-19 283