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[공지] A True Test of Love and Sacrifice

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 489
  • 20-11-01 08:15


Greetings to our Woori Youth! It has been a few weeks since I last sent you a text. Hope everyone is healthy and in constant communication with our Lord and Savior! This week’s sermon is from the Gospel of John 13:1-20. This is such an important deed that Jesus does before he is crucified. Please take some time to read and discuss with your family the absolute, humble, loving meaning that these verses show in regards to who and what Jesus’ purpose was in being born as a man who is, was, and is to come again in Glory! Hope to most of y’all later at church today.

A true test of love and sacrifice...

What do you guys consider a test of love and sacrifice to those you absolutely love?? Is it helping them when they are in need? Is it giving your life to save them? Is it doing something that you absolutely detest?

To me, Jesus did all these at the Last Supper. He prayed for them to His Father. He ultimately gave His life for them, well us too. And He did something that we in today’s life would find detestable! Back in the days of Jesus, people did not wear socks with sandals. I don’t know about you, but when I wear sandals for a few days when it’s warm outside, my feet tend to smell really, really bad!  As a matter of fact, I will leave them outside or in the garage because they, for lack of a better word, STINK! 

But Jesus, knowing how smelly His Disciples’ feet would be, calmly washed each of their feet! Can you imagine God washing feet? Think about this...THE omniscient and omnipotent Creator of everything we see and touch washing the feet of His creation? This is how much he loved them! This is how much He cared for them! And this is how much He humbled Himself as our Savior! If our God can do such a humble act, should we not do even more for our fellow brothers and sisters? Our pastor describes having humility as not making yourself think low, but making yourself think less. I am not more important than the person next to me. When it all comes down to it, having lots of money, fancy cars, living in a big house, does not matter to God. How we treat each other is what we will ultimately be judged when we stand before the One who humbled Himself to wash the feet and die on a tree for those He truly loved. I hope you can all continue to see Jesus in everyone you meet and already know. And if you understand that all of us are created in His image, let is try to humble ourselves and think less of who we are and more of who they are. 

Have a great week and see you at Papa’s house!

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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