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[공지] Give Earnestly, Lovingly, and Most of All THANKFULLY!

  • 작성자 : 웹섬김…
  • 조회 : 474
  • 20-09-26 19:13


Happy Saturday to our Woori Youth! Hope that this week was filled with food for your stomach as well as food for your brain through classes in school or online. This week, we will discuss the Gospel of John 12: 1-11.

As always, please take a couple of minutes to read these verses and be ready for some thoughtful discussions in our Zoom meetings. Also, please discuss it with your family as well. A family founded on the word of God is a family whose foundation is everlasting! It was great seeing some of you last Sunday at church. Continue to stay safe and have another great week of walking and basking in our Creator’s blessings and grace.

What does food mean for you? Is it merely something that fulfills our hunger? Not only do our bodies need sustenance, but our minds also need to be fed. You’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat?” This is very true concerning our body AND mind! 

Based on the kind of foods we physically eat, we can choose to have a body that is healthy or we can choose to have a body that is in need of care. Just like our physical bodies, we decide what we feed our minds to make it healthy or in need of constant care. We can read all the books and become intellectually “smart”, but there will always be a missing ingredient that we need to make our minds complete. To me, that “secret” ingredient is the BIBLE! When the words of God are added to your daily intellectual diet, it provides that “umami”, the X factor, the missing ingredient that makes your spiritual mind complete. 

You might ask, why do we need to make our spiritual mind complete? With all the blessings, grace, and love that our Savior has bestowed upon us through His sacrifice, our bodies will still return to dust! But, our spiritual mind is the only part of ourselves that we can truly give back as our gift to our Creator. So we have the task, no, DUTY, to fill what God has given us the best possible things in the world. So when it comes time to give back, we can proudly give back with all the goodness that He has given us through His suffering and death. Remember that our friends and family might get our second best, but God truly deserves only THE BEST of everything we have, do, and all that we are.  Colossians 3:23-24 says,

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

When it comes to giving back to God,  “spare no expense,” give earnestly, lovingly, and most of all THANKFULLY! 

See you all soon, at Papa’s house.

David Kim


Teacher's Letter

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