[공지] Who Is Jesus?
- 작성자 : 웹섬김…
- 조회 : 519
- 20-09-06 08:56
Good Sunday to our Woori Youth!
How is school going for you guys? I know it has been a challenge a couple of weeks. Online classes kicking you out and the uncertainty of what will happen when winter comes. But, as in all things, never fear! The Gospel of John, chapter 10, teaches us who, what, and why Jesus is so important in our lives.
Who is Jesus? In layman’s terms, He is THE SHEPHERD! A shepherd is a person that is in charge of making sure that his sheep are safe from harm and accounted for every day. You remember Jesus teaching us about the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep to search for the 1 that went astray? Jesus does not want to lose any of us to satan. That’s how much He loves and cares for us.
What is Jesus? According to John, Jesus is the door of the sheep. To me, there are many doors around the “fence” that we live in. Some doors are guarded by evil people that tempt you to go out through their doors. But when you choose to exit by their door, you end up finding out that the door led you to an uncertain land that was full of evil, pain, and ultimately, a life of sin. But Jesus teaches us that if you exit through His door, we will be saved and find the most glorious, beautiful land that we can ever dream of. His door is THE DOOR of everlasting life!
Why is Jesus our Shepherd? When someone is paid to watch over us when danger comes his way, the “hired hand” will escape to save his life and leave us to be ravaged by the thief who has sneaked in by climbing the fence. The hired hand does not care for us. He is there just to collect a paycheck. But Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He has already sacrificed Himself so that we can have everlasting life in His pasture in Heaven. If we open our hearts and minds and learn to recognize the voice of the One true Shepherd, we will never allow ourselves to be led astray by false shepherds. Reading and understanding Jesus’ teachings is the only way we can know and recognize who is speaking to save us as opposed to the ones who want to harm us. So I ask all of you, please try to make yourselves familiar to the voice of Jesus. HE is the only voice we need and must follow. The Good Shepherd will never lead us to the desert, but will always lead us to Paradise! Have a great Sunday of worshiping our Creator, Savior, and Father. Stay safe and hope to see y’all soon at Papa’s house.
David Kim